"Los dialogos surgen en todos les direcciones con los solista de trumpetam estupendo Gabriele Cassone."
"Brandenburg Concertos"

Il Giardino Armonico
Teldec 4509 98442 2 (1997)
Teldec 4509 98442 2 (1997)
The New York Times: "I never heard the stratospheric trumpet part in Concerto II played with such bravura and pinpoint accurancy as Gabriele Cassone playes it here."
CD Classica(Concerti Brandeburghesi)..lo stratosferico trombettista Gabriele Cassone, un artista che da solo può far rivivere qualsiasi interpretazione.
Norvegian Broadcasting - 14 apr 97: "Bachs Brandenburg 2, in our opinion his trumpetplaying is quite remarcable, not to say unbelievable."